A Day in 2030: Workplace and life by Vito Di Bari

Imagine you leave your house to go to work. Being a very busy person, you don’t have time to go to the supermarket to do the shopping, or to read the news in the newspaper. But, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. From your car, you can connect to a virtual assistant and do your shopping online. Also, the walls of the elevator will have screens where you can check how the weather will be that day.

You arrive at work and connect with a hologram to have a business meeting. The people you meet are somewhere else, but at the same time, it’s like they’re there. Isn’t that amazing? Well, this is what the future will look like.

Emerging Workplace Trends

The technological innovations that companies are currently adopting will eventually evolve into very advanced technologies. So much so, that the use of smart screens and holograms will be more common than you might think. Today, we are gradually getting glimpses of what it will be like to work in the future.

Right now, with the coronavirus, companies have had to modify their business models and have begun to adopt the form of remote work. Even now, as a futurist keynote speaker I have had to adjust to the situation and turn my keynotes into virtual events. This shift will evolve to the use of holograms that will allow us to connect from anywhere in the world.

How Smart Objects will benefit our workplace

In the last decade, smart objects have evolved to such a degree that we can get them in the most unexpected places. Lately, the trend has been to be able to check our emails and messages on smartwatches. In other words, we went from a computer to a clock in less than ten years… now that’s what you call technological evolution.

Younger generations will find it much easier to adapt to the changes that are coming. However, the rest will not be left behind. As a futurist keynote speaker, I always urge my not so very young audience to stay active, and to catch up with the technological innovations that are appearing every day. This will give them a direct ticket to the train of success.

The Internet of Things (IoT) will change the way we work

The Internet of Things has shown us that there is, and will be, a great variety of smart objects that we can use to our advantage for any type of task. If you are at home learning about some futuristic topic, or interacting in a virtual event, it means that you are already closer to the future.

Because the important thing is to know all these technological innovations and learn to adopt them in the future when you have to use them in our workplaces.

Futurist Keynote Speaker on Workplace Trends

New technological trends in the workplace will lead to a significant improvement in task performance. Having a virtual experience that helps us simplify our work is something we never imagined would be so commonplace. As a futurist keynote speaker, I am aware that technology will advance so much and so fast that many will be left behind. But, there is one piece of good news: there is still time! Yes, there is still time to step into the future and take advantage as a company of the benefits that the Internet of Things, Augmented Reality and connected Robots will bring to our workplaces


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