The TV station TNT placed a red button in Amsterdam. An eye-catching arrow floated over the button that said, “Press to add drama.” This minimal setup was all that attracted pedestrians. Join me in this dramatic experience! Very few people dared to press the button as most individuals simply passed by; however, for the people who had the courage to press it, it was a wonderfully fun surprise. Their final motto was: We know drama. And, it is undeniable that they did give drama to their audience.
Future of Retail: The Extreme Shopping Experience
Technological innovations not only seek to facilitate the work done within certain industries, they are also used as a way to improve and create pleasant shopping experiences to attract users. Nowadays, due to the Internet, customers are non-conformist and always looking for something bigger and more spectacular. For that reason, brands must be updated and give the same service and image wherever they are. The new trend in retail is to create experiences that allow the customer to feel not only included, but also excited.
Retail Industry Focused on Emotional Shopping Experiences
With each passing day, the industry’s challenges to capture the attention of users grows. For this reason, they must find diverse ways to engage the audience, such as the dramatic and action—packed techniques used in Amsterdam, which most definitely worked.
Now the trend is to use original experiences that stay in the minds of buyers for a considerable time, in order to spread the word about what the company offers and attract more adventurous users. Generating memorable moments for clients that leave them charged with adrenaline is the future of retail.
Surfing Instead of Buying, Memorable Moments
The changes generated by technological advances in retail sales or purchases have been remarkable. While many companies are taking advantage of virtual reality or virtual assistance, other companies are working hard to maintain a strong and direct connection with their customer. They do this by taking action to persuade and impact a user to make a purchase.
The Retail Industry is Innovating the Shopping Experience
Due to the great innovations that have invaded all aspects of our lives, functional or traditional shopping no longer has the same beneficial effect as before. Doing everything possible to make customers feel welcome, and served, is the goal of extreme shopping experience trends.
Vito di Bari, Visionary and Futurist of the Retail Industry
As these are unique and unusual shopping experiences, I decided to call this trend “Extreme XXP Experience”. The future and its advances are not only modifying technologies, but also the way we sell, using drama and suspense developed in real life to call the attention of users.
And you, would you have the courage to press the button and immerse yourself in an extreme shopping experience?